Living Faith Bible Church
Sunday, February 09, 2025
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!
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Christian Education

Junior Church (Grades K-5) Sunday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Teachers appointed by Christian Ed Coordinator.
Classes are Biblically based and intended for Kindergarten through fifth grade students. 
ATTENTION PARENTS/Grandparents: We ask you to please pickup your children from Jr. Church immediately following service, before fellowshipping.
We are asking this with the safety of the children in mind. 
Educational material includes professionally-produced flannel graph for lessons from Genesis to Revelation for the 3-5 class.
Separate lesson plans are designed for the K-2 class which include crafts, activities, and games to hold the child's attention.
Nursery (infants through Pre-school) Sunday Workers appointed by Christian Education Coordinator.
Nursery care is provided for infants through Pre-school and is adapted as appropriate for the child's age.
A safe loving environment is provided for the children so that the parents can enjoy the service.
Class time is approximate, and begins when children are dismissed at the beginning of Pastor's sermon.
Children's Club (AWANA) is on Sundays from at 4:00 to 5:00 PM. AWANA is an acronym for "Approved Workmen are not ashamed" , taken from 2 Timothy 3:15. Join us this coming week. 
              We believe that "Kids matter to God," and we shall endeavor to guide the children that God has brought to us to further their education in the Gospel and provide for them the opportunity to be with other like minded children learning step by step values that God has intended for them. 
Reaching children for God with God's word provides a solid foundation that will remain with them for the remainder of their lives and encourage them that the God of the Universe is with them where ever they are forever. 
At the same time we strive to make learning interesting and provide play time and lesson times that afford them a chance to express themselves in ways that they have learned. To be kind, considerate and thoughtful in their actions with and towards others. 
They will learn to love God, Country and one another through a structured course of study.  Bring your children on Friday evenings and let them get involved and enjoy being together.  Consider joining with them and get involved in a God-centered time for children. 

 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. -Ephesians 2:8-9